The trusted name in legal & notary services for businesses & individuals
FAQ DISCLAIMER: These answers are for informational purposes only and are not to be relied on as legal advice. Each legal situation is unique and requires legal advice applicable to that specific situation. Please contact our lawyers to seek legal advice based on your circumstances.
Why is estate planning important?
ReadMy loved one passed away and named me as the executor in their will, what should I do next?
ReadWhat is Probate?
ReadI’ve been left out of my father’s will, what are my legal rights?
ReadMy mom wrote her will on scrap paper the day before she died, is it valid?
ReadMy brother died without a will, what happens in this situation?
ReadWhat form of business organization best meets my needs?
ReadDo I need a lawyer to restructure my business?
ReadWhat should you look for when buying a business?
ReadWhat is a letter of intent?
ReadDo I need a lawyer to sell (purchase) a house?
ReadThe other party doesn’t want to complete the deal, what are my rights?
ReadI am thinking about subdividing my farm, what should I do next?
ReadWhat should I do if I am in a car accident?
ReadHow long do I have to make a claim?
ReadI have been sued, what can I do?
ReadHow do you bill for your legal services?
ReadWhat should I bring to my first meeting with the lawyer?
ReadWhat is the typical legal process?
ReadFAQ DISCLAIMER: These answers are for informational purposes only and are not to be relied on as legal advice. Each legal situation is unique and requires legal advice applicable to that specific situation. Please contact our lawyers to seek legal advice based on your circumstances.