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Chilliwack Family Lawyers Providing Cost-Effective and Practical Legal Solutions

family law services

Our Family Lawyers are Committed to Providing Legal Solutions Tailored to Your Situation

Our team of family lawyers will work closely with you every step of the way to ensure that your family's needs are being properly met.

At Fraserwest Law Group LLP, we know how difficult it can be when relationships break down. We are committed to providing competent and empathetic advice that will guide you smoothly into the next phase of your life. Our lawyers are highly experienced in dealing with all aspects of family law. We understand that every family law matter is unique, but our goal is the same: to provide cost-effective, tailored solutions that help make this trying time less stressful for you.

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Find the Ideal Family Law Services for Your Needs

Our highly skilled team of lawyers can help with all your family law needs, including:

  • Prenuptial Agreements/Marriage Agreements
  • Separation Agreements
  • Custody and/or Guardianship Agreements
  • Child and Spousal Support
  • Division of Assets
  • Debt Resolution
  • Uncontested Divorce Applications